Friday, February 10, 2012

Blahg Post

How do people come up with things to blog about? I guess they have interesting things happen to them. I work. A lot. I have the normal 8-5 job but then I also do several things on the side. I've been pretty blessed to have been given opportunities to make extra money on the side. Except, I have to claim it as self-employment income on my taxes, and I have no expenses to set against it. So it ALLLL got taxed. Yeah, that wasn't fun.

And I just procrastinated for a good half hour because I don't know what to write about. :)

I guess I can talk about myself. As someone said tonight, "All bloggers are narcissists."

I am 26. I'm about to have my 3-year anniversary on Valentine's Day. My husband and I chose that day to be ironic, because neither of us are sentimental or mushy. However, we've begun to realize it was a bad idea...because now restaurants will ALWAYS be crowded if we want to go out, and it will be more difficult to get a babysitter. Oh well. You live, you learn. I have a two year old son named Leo, and he is absolutely amazing. I know all mothers say this, but he really is the best kid, and the cutest! :)

See? Told ya!

Let's see...I'm an accountant for an e-commerce company. I got both my undergrad and Master's Degree in accounting from Liberty University. I want to get my CPA License but I'm trying to figure out the most economical way to do so. I love to sing. I sing in the worship band at my church. I'm not much of a lead singer, but I've learned to do pretty solid background harmonies.

I'm an extreme introvert and very socially awkward. As far as Myers-Briggs goes, I'm an INTJ...and I have yet to meet another INTJ. I look forward to the day that I do. I thrive on productivity and efficiency. I'm a little bit like a robot.

Okay, that's all I can think of for now. Horrible blog post, I know, but YOU try to type with a 2-year old in your lap!


  1. Wow-just wow-I would never have thought of you as an introvert-it just doesn't come out like that when I chat with you in chat. Hey-miss you there :-(

  2. Thanks Vicki! I am extremely introverted, but I'm not shy. It just means that I get worn out when being around people and I need alone time to "recharge". I enjoy the chat room because I can be around people without having to BE around them, you know?? :) Sorry I haven't been in there much lately. It takes up so much time, and all those men are always talking way over my head! I feel so young and stupid every time they talk! Haha. But hey thanks for the comment! I'll try to pop in there more! :)
