Monday, September 24, 2012

Digital Diarrhea

So....I'm obviously horrible at this. It's been since February. WHAAAAAT? I always have such good ideas in my head of what I could write about....but after a nice long day at work, I always end up talking myself out of it.

Well I guess big news since I last posted is that I'm going to be having another little boy! His name shall be Graham (middle name still in debate). I'm due on December 3, but little man seems to be hinting toward the fact that he wants to come early. Going the full 40 stinks, so I'm not completely opposed to the idea, but considering that I'm only 30 weeks now, I'm going to need him to stay in there and cook a little longer. I'm going to see my doctor again on Friday, and see what her opinion is. I have a bad feeling that I may be put on bed rest, but we'll see.

So what else is new? Well the people on Facebook still annoy the poop out of me. It's politics season right now, which means it's time for everyone to complain about how much they hate seeing people post about politics. I actually enjoy politics, so I'm more annoyed by the people complaining about it. Oh, and the liberals. I've gotten rid of most of them though. :) Who says it's wonderful that people have different opinions? I think it's awful, and everyone should be like me.

That's all I have the patience for right now. BYE.

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